Inspirations: polandcampaign

Before I had the idea to share my solo campaign in this blog, before I had started my TW2K campaign, even before TW2K 4th edition was released, I one day searched the internet to see if there was someone out there who had played Twilight: 2000 and reported about their campaign.

I was interested in Twilight:2000 – or rather I was curious about it – and I wanted to see if I could find out more about this, apparently rules-heavy, RPG from someone who had actually played it, either as a player or as a referee (the Game Master equivalent of TW2K). Also – surprise – I was hoping I could read a few good stories.

Boy, did I get what I was looking for, and more. Enters

On this blog I found a classic Twilight: 2000 campaign written by Wayne, who acts as the Referee for a handful of players (his brother and sons). His posts are summaries of game sessions, played with the original 1st edition of the game and its expansions.

It is a well-thought, well-written and entertaining story populated by interesting characters (starting with the players themselves), plots, factions, and locations. The players are presented with moral choices, tasked with navigating politics, forced to take risks, and pressed into battles they – mostly – cannot avoid.

And for those of you who are wondering how long a campaign in TW2K can last: this particular one started in 2017 and is still ongoing. They have only recently switched to 4th edition mechanics.

I personally highly recommend reading it. I have no doubt that – whether consciously or not – I will steal some ideas from it. Also, the blog links to a number of different projects and RPG games which you may find interesting.

If you read Wayne’s campaign, thank him on my behalf. Both for sharing a great story, and because without his post about Free League’s TW2K 4th Edition Kickstarter, I wouldn’t have even known about the latest edition of this RPG.

You can find Wayne’s great Twilight: 2000 campaign at

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