DAY 5 – APRIL 22nd 2000
WITH the EYES of the REFEREE [click to expand]
For conveniency, I’ll split the action between the two stairwells, resolving what happens at each one separately.
LED has his AKM trained on the entrance door of the apartment, his eyes waiting for any movement indicating the enemies are coming in and his finger nervously ready on the trigger.
The door gets slowly pushed from outside, revealing a growing section of the landing until a silhouette is clearly visible, the rounded head made bulkier by the steel helmet and the assault rifle’s barrel entering the room. LED narrows his eyes and squeezes the trigger.
LED’S ROLL [click to expand]
ENEMY 2 is in partial cover, only his head and arms exposed; LED is in close quarters with an assault rifle so he suffers a -2 penalty. He also rolls 4 ammo dice (max ROF for the AKM):
LED rolls:
- RANGED COMBAT [D8+D6] = 0 SUCCESSES (2 and 3 on the dice)
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6] = 2 + 2 + 5 + 5
He pushes the roll:
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6] = 2 + 3 + 3 + 6
- Hit Location die = HEAD (this was rolled after resolving the pushed ranged combat roll)
It’s a hit on an exposed part: LED’s AKM inflicts 2 base damages + 1 for the 6 rolled on the ammo die. ENEMY 2 is wearing a steel helmet providing armor 1 to his head, and lowering the damage to 2. ENEMY 2 is suppressed and goes prone; LED has fired 2+3+3+6=14 rounds and has 16 left in his mag.
ENEMY 2’s helmet has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 armor level (Player’s Manual, page 73); I rolled a D6 an it came out 6: his helmet is still an effective protection.
LED fires a burst and hears ENEMY 2 painfully moaning right before he drops to the floor on the landing.
ENEMY 2 loses both his actions on account of being suppressed.
ENEMY 3 grabs ENEMY 2 and tries to get him back to full cover on the stairs.
WITH the EYES of the REFEREE [click to expand]
I couldn’t find the action of dragging a person so I house-ruled it takes a STAMINA roll, unmodified. ENEMY 3 has STR B and no stamina skill:
- ENEMY 3 rolls [D10] = 1 SUCCESS
He succeeds in his action.
ENEMY 3 firmly grabs his comrade and pulls him to full cover at the edge of the landing.
NASCAR is ready to fire as soon as the opportunity presents itself; in his case it has the shape of an arm holding a pistol and a head peeking inside the door.
NASCAR’S ROLL [click to expand]
The enemy LEADER is in partial cover, only his head and arms exposed; NASCAR is in close quarters with a machine gun so he suffers a -2 penalty. He also rolls 4 ammo dice (max ROF for his M249 is 6):
NASCAR rolls:
- HEAVY WEAPONS [D8+D8] = 0 SUCCESSES (5 and 5 on the dice)
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6] = 2 + 3 + 6 + 6
The enemy will at least be suppressed but no successes on the attack roll means no hits. NASCAR wants to exploit this first surprise attack as much as possible, so he pushes the roll:
- Ammo dice [D6 + D6] + 6 + 6 = 5 + 6 + 6 + 6
- Hit location die = LEGS (this was rolled after resolving the pushed attack roll)
The enemy LEADER’s legs are behind cover. I’ll assume the wall is brick-made, with an armor level of 2 (Typical barrier’s armor levels are listed at page 59 of the Player’s Manual).
NASCAR’s M249 deals a base damage of 2, increased by +3 for the 6s rolled on the ammo dice for a total of 5 damages. 2 are blocked by the wall while the rest hit the LEADER’s legs (the LEADER has no armor). The hit is critical and the enemy LEADER is killed as a result (he’s a minor NPC). NASCAR fires 5+6+6+6 = 23 rounds.
NASCAR fires a long burst, though a bit too low and to the left; some rounds penetrate the already weakened wall and find their target as the enemy LEADER collapses dead on the stair’s landing.
WITH the EYES of the REFEREE [click to expand]
I decided this enemies are more indoctrinated than the ones the players faced at Garage Hotel, and are therefore more prone to attack with little regard to their life if cornered.
ENEMY 1 sees his commander die and a hail of bullets coming through the wall; in a rush of adrenaline and rage he quickly steps on the corpse reaching the side of the door (fast action), peeks in and fires (slow action).
ENEMY 1’S ROLL [click to expand]
ENEMY 1 is in close quarters with an assault rifle, suffering a -2 penalty; he’s also firing without aiming first, increasing his penalty to a -4. He will roll a single D6 and 5 ammo dice (full ROF for his AK-74):
ENEMY 1 rolls:
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6+D6] = 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6
There’s no direct hit on NASCAR, but the two 6s on the ammo dice could potentially suppress him. NASCAR has to make a CUF roll:
- NASCAR rolls[D10] = 0 SUCCESSES
This is a passive roll, and cannot therefore be pushed. NASCAR is suppressed and will lose both actions in his next round. He also gains 1 stress point.
NASCAR is still looking at the fallen body he just shot, when suddenly almost an entire magazine is emptied in his direction. The fire is inaccurate and doesn’t hit him, but he instinctively drops to the floor clutching his helmet with his hands.
WITH the EYES of the REFEREE [click to expand]
ENEMY 1 has fired almost all the rounds in his magazine, but I’m not tracking his ammo count. I’ll instead follow the rules at page 67 of the Player’s Manual: for an NPC, any attack roll with one or more 1s on the ammo dice only indicates the weapon is emptied after the current attack.
End of Round 10
LED is sure the apartment’s door is the only way in from that stairwell (the other door on the floor being barricaded), so he resumes overwatch on it (the door is now partially open).
ENEMY 2 gets up (fast action) and spends his slow action whispering and gesturing with his comrade, formulating a plan on the spot.
ENEMY 3 spends his actions listening to and agreeing to the plan.
WITH the EYES of the REFEREE [click to expand]
ENEMY 2 and ENEMY 3 are Russians, so there’s a chance LED (who speaks Russian) can hear and understand something they’re saying. I had LED roll for recon with a -1 on account of noises from both the battle outside and the fight at the other stairwell, and another -1 for having just fired (his ears still ringing). He needs at least 1 success to hear something:
- LED rolls RECON [D8+D6] = 0 SUCCESSES
LED doesn’t hear anything.
ENEMY 2 and ENEMY 3 have just decided they’re going to attack at the same time, with ENEMY 3 moving past ENEMY 2 and firing without aiming.
NASCAR loses both his actions recovering from suppression.
ENEMY 1 now sees his target, aims his AK-74 (fast action) and fires (slow action).
ENEMY 1’S ROLL [click to expand]
ENEMY 1 is in close quarters with an assault rifle, suffering a -2 penalty; he’s also firing at a prone target granting him an additional -1. He also rolls 5 ammo dice (full ROF for his AK-74):
ENEMY 1 rolls:
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6+D6] = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6
There’s no direct hit on NASCAR, but the 6 on the ammo dice could potentially suppress him again. NASCAR has to make a CUF roll:
- NASCAR rolls[D10] = 2 SUCCESSES
NASCAR is not suppressed.
ENEMY 1 ha rolled a 1 on his ammo dice: he has to reload (reloading is always a slow action for NPCs).
ENEMY 1 pulls the trigger releasing a hail of bullets until he hears the clicking sound of an empty magazine. His target is on the floor and his aim too high for a hit.
End of Round 11
LED is a bit concerned by the lack of the sound of an M249 firing, but focuses on the door ready to fire.
ENEMY 2 peeks inside the apartment again, triggering the overwatch, while ENEMY 3 moves behind him to get to a firing position with a clear line of sight.
As soon as there’s a target in sight, LED presses the trigger.
LED’S ROLL [click to expand]
Both attacks occur at the same time. I house-rule that if LED has extra 6s on his ammo dice he can injure/suppress both enemies.
ENEMY 2 is in partial cover, only his head and arms exposed, ENEMY 3 has no cover; LED is in close quarters with an assault rifle so he suffers a -2 penalty. He also rolls 4 ammo dice (max ROF for the AKM):
LED rolls:
- RANGED COMBAT [D8+D6] = 0 SUCCESSES (3 and 4 on the dice)
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6] = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
He pushes the roll:
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6] = 1 + 2 + 2 + 5
- Hit Location die = HEAD (this was rolled after resolving the pushed ranged combat roll)
It’s a hit on an exposed part: LED’s AKM inflicts 2 base damages. ENEMY 2’s helmet absorbs 1 resulting in a single damage. ENEMY 2 is down to 2 hit points. LED has had a 1 on his ammo dice in a pushed roll, his AKM drops to reliability 3; he also fires 1+2+2+5 = 10 rounds and has 6 left in his magazine.
ENEMY 2’s helmet has a 1 in 6 chance of losing 1 armor level (Player’s Manual, page 73); I rolled a D6 an it came out 1: his helmet drops to 0 armor level and no longer offers any protection.
ENEMY 2 is immediately hit, injured, and suppressed again, while ENEMY 3 reaches a clear line of sight besides him and fires his AK-74.
ENEMY 3’S ROLL [click to expand]
ENEMY 3 is in close quarters with an assault rifle, suffering a -2 penalty; he’s also firing without aiming first, increasing his penalty to a -4. He will roll a single D6 and 5 ammo dice (full ROF for his AK-74):
ENEMY 3 rolls:
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6+D6] = 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 6
There’s no direct hit on LED, but the 6 on the ammo dice could potentially suppress him. LED has to make a CUF roll:
- LED rolls[D12] = 0 SUCCESSES (I rolled a 1…)
CUF rolls cannot be pushed: LED is suppressed, he drops to the floor and loses both actions in his next round. LED also suffers 1 stress point.
ENEMY 3 rolled a 1 on his dice roll, meaning he needs to reload his weapon.
LED is unharmed but the hail of bullets makes him drop to the ground.
ENEMY 3 finishes his burst, his finger still pressed on the trigger while hearing the clicking sound of an empty magazine.
NASCAR remains prone, steadies his grip on the M249 and assumes overwatch.
ENEMY 1, back in full cover, reloads his AK-74 with his last mag while muttering profanities in Russian.
End of Round 12