DAY 5 – APRIL 22nd 2000
LED regains his coolness but loses both his actions in this round due to suppression. He’s now prone on the floor, right behind the wall near the opening.
ENEMY 2 is laying on the first steps of the stairs and loses both his actions due to suppression.
ENEMY 3 has realized his mag is empty. In a split second he decides to ditch his rifle, dropping it on the floor (free action), he then moves through the door (fast action) crossing the room and ending up on the other side of the wall LED’s in cover behind (slow action)
[REMINDER: I’m still not employing Urban Operations rules]
NASCAR is keeping his overwatch, eager to finish the fight, his M249 trained on the door.
ENEMY 1 is infuriated but animated by an iron will; he takes a deep breath and pivots around the door frame, his AK-74 ready to spew some led. This triggers NASCAR’s attack.
NASCAR’S ROLL [click to expand]
ENEMY 1 is in partial cover, only his head and arms exposed; NASCAR is in close quarters with a machine gun so he suffers a -2 penalty. He rolls 4 ammo dice (max ROF for his M249 is 6):
NASCAR rolls:
- HEAVY WEAPONS [D8+D8] = 0 SUCCESSES (3 and 4 on the dice)
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6] = 3 + 3 + 6 + 6
The enemy will at least be suppressed but no successes on the attack roll means no hits, and there’s enough 6s on the ammo dice to deal some damage even if the enemy is hit where in cover.
NASCAR pushes the roll:
- HEAVY WEAPONS [D8+D8] = 2 SUCCESSES (double 8!)
- Ammo dice [D6 + D6] + 6 + 6 = 3 + 4 + 6 + 6
- Hit location die = TORSO (this was rolled after resolving the pushed attack roll)
ENEMY 1’s torso is behind cover. NASCAR deals 2 base damages + 1 for the extra success +2 for the two 6s on the ammo dice for a total of 5 damages. 2 damages are absorbed by the brick wall (armor 2) while the rest penetrate. ENEMY 1 has no protection on his torso, so he receives 3 damages, a critical hit that kills him instantly.
NASCAR fires 3+4+6+6 = 19 rounds. He’s down to 128.
NASCAR fires a long burst, holding the trigger down and spraying the door passage with bullets. When he releases the trigger, he can see his target lying prone through the cloud of spend gunpowder still lingering in the air.
End of round 13
LED gets up (fast action) and awaits (conserving his slow action).
ENEMY 2 gets up (fast action) and enters the room (moving through a door is also a fast action).
ENEMY 3 crosses the opening to the next room (fast action, same as moving through a door) and attacks LED in close combat (slow action).
ENEMY 3’S ROLL [click to expand]
Player’s Manual, page 63: “if you, in a single round, first run into the same hex as an enemy and then strike them with an unarmed blow, you get a +2 modifier to the attack. This is called a diving blow. If the attack hits, you inflict damage normally and both you and the target fall prone. If the attack fails, only you fall to the ground. Diving blows can be blocked”.
ENEMY 3 is performing a diving blow, and has a +2 to his attack roll. ENEMY 3 has STR B and CLOSE COMBAT D.
LED will use his remaining action to try blocking the enemy’s attack (must be declared before the enemy’s attack is rolled).
ENEMY 3 rolls:
LED rolls:
LED blocks ENEMY 3’s attack, negating potential damage (having rolled more successes has no consequences), and ENEMY 3 falls to the ground.
ENEMY 3 jump-attacks LED, who is able to deflect the incoming blow with his rifle and maintain his balance, his experience paying off. ENEMY 3’s momentum brings him to the ground.
NASCAR gets up, moves to the stair’s landing and quickly makes sure there’s no more enemies coming up the stairs.
[NASCAR uses a fast action to get up and another fast action to cross the door to the stairwell]
End of round 14
LED knows there’s another enemy still active in the very next room, but decides to take advantage of the situation and attacks ENEMY 3 in close combat (slow action).
LED’S ROLL [click to expand]
LED strikes with his AKM’s butt, his target is prone granting him a +2 (Player’s Manual, page 62). ENEMY 3 will spend one of his actions (fast action) trying to block the incoming blow; he gets a -2 for being prone:
LED rolls:
ENEMY 3 rolls:
LED’s attack is not blocked; he has to roll for hit location:
- Hit location die = TORSO
LED inflicts 2 points of damage (Player’s Manual, page 93).
LED swings his rifle bypassing ENEMY 3’s attempts at blocking it, and strikes the enemy fighter center mass. His target moans in pain as he instinctively rolls to the side, his arms close to his chest.
ENEMY 2 moves towards the windows (fast action) until he has visual on LED and then fires at him (slow action) without aiming.
ENEMY 2’S ROLL [click to expand]
ENEMY 2 is in close quarters with an assault rifle, granting him a -2, he’s also firing without aiming which translates to another -2. ENEMY 3 is in his line of fire, so (Player’s Manual, page 65) he will have to make a CUF roll to avoid suppression. Also, if ENEMY 2 misses, he will have to roll to see if there’s friendly fire. ENEMY 2 rolls 5 ammo dice, the full ROF for his AK-74:
ENEMY 2 rolls:
- Ammo dice [D6+D6+D6+D6+D6] = 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3
ENEMY 2 misses and the 1 rolled on his ammo dice means he has to reload his weapon.
Player’s Manual, page 65: “if your shot misses, roll two D6 base dice – any success means a random friendly is hit instead, and a second success will increase the damage by 1”.
- Friendly fire, roll[D6+D6] = 0 SUCCESSES
ENEMY 3 is unharmed, but as stated above he has to roll for CUF:
- ENEMY 3 CUF roll [D8] = 0 SUCCESSES
ENEMY 3 is suppressed and loses his actions for this round (he only had his slow action left).
ENEMY 2 fires a burst in the general area of the opening, but luck is still on LED’s side and he only suppresses his comrade. By the end of the attack ENEMY 2’s rifle clicks empty and he has to reload.
NASCAR moves towards LED (consuming an action for every door/opening he has to move through).
End of Round 15